Whether you are a mother, homemaker, business entrepreneur, athlete or a corporate professional, we feel all women are powerful beings. Beyond external appearance, we inspire women for their to-do attitude and insightful spirit. Sometimes succumbing to high work pressure, social and economic barriers, women do not find right opportunities or platforms to resolve their health concerns to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, the intersection of technology and medicine has led to an astounding breakthrough in medical research, procedures and treatments, which has eventually maximized comfort, increased affordability and transformed healing experience among women patients with a myriad of health conditions and diseases
While the conversation around women is changing, hospitals and medical professionals have discovered that women desire to create their own space more than confining themselves to kitchen or kids (unless if they choose to be). Understanding the decision to spend their time is completely a women’s control, medical professionals are gearing up to meet new or rare medical conditions or diseases through new schemes and innovative facilities before it is too late to treat them.
Sedentary lifestyles, toxic work environments, unhealthy diet, poor sanitary living conditions, unsafe drinking or eating habits are some common causes women develop heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and other infectious conditions. Though treatment of these critical conditions may prove costly, there are hospitals and healthcare centers in Bangalore that avail personalized treatments and medical tests at affordable pricing in order to promote women well-being across the city.
As way of democratizing healthcare facilities and reduce health risks among women, CANS hospital is running a “Well Women” campaign to enable women fight health-risky conditions and diseases at an early stage through minimally charged medical tests. The medical tests covered CBC, ECHO, ECG, RBS, Urine, Lipid Profile, HBA1C, Vitamin B 12 to Vitamin D3 and others. Alongside tests, women after getting an expert consultation by top doctors started to think about health and well-being in a new way. Consulted with the best healthcare insights and tips, they resolved to become resilient, active and impact-driven!
To know more, Contact us at +91 - 636 484 2579